오늘, 중국과의 축구 경기에서 한국의 전략은?
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오늘, 중국과의 축구 경기에서 한국의 전략은?

by 돈꾸리스 2024. 6. 11.




2024년 6월 11일 한국 축구대표팀과 중국 축구대표팀의 경기를 준비하면서, 한국팀은 몇 가지 주요 전략 포인트와 작전 계획을 세워야 합니다. 이러한 전략들은 상대 팀의 강점과 약점을 고려하고, 한국팀의 장점을 최대한 활용하는 방향으로 설정되어야 합니다.


경기 결과 :  한국 vs 중국  3 : 0 완승


MBC 생중계 보러 가기 2024년 6월 11일 오후 8시 중국 대 한국 축구 경기

1. 전략 포인트

A. 고압 전방 압박 
   - 중국팀의 수비라인에서부터 강한 압박을 가해, 상대방의 빌드업을 차단하고 실수를 유발합니다. 이를 통해 공격 기회를 많이 만들어낼 수 있습니다.
   - 빠른 윙어와 공격수를 활용해 상대 수비진의 공간을 파고들어 실수를 유도합니다.

B. 측면 공격 강화 
   - 중국의 수비가 중앙에 집중되는 경향이 있으므로, 측면에서의 빠른 돌파와 크로스를 통해 득점 기회를 창출합니다.
   - 공격형 풀백을 적극적으로 활용하여 오버래핑과 크로스 시도를 늘립니다.

C. 세트피스 활용 
   - 한국팀의 장신 선수들을 활용하여 코너킥, 프리킥 상황에서 득점을 노립니다.
   - 세트피스 훈련을 통해 다양한 전술을 준비하고, 상대 수비의 허점을 공략합니다.

D. 수비 전환 시 조직력 유지 
   - 공격에서 수비로 전환될 때 빠른 위치 선정과 조직력을 유지하여 상대방의 역습을 차단합니다.
   - 수비형 미드필더를 중심으로 한 안정적인 수비라인을 구축합니다.

E. 중앙 미드필드 장악 
   - 중원에서의 점유율을 높이고, 공격의 시발점 역할을 하는 미드필더들이 적극적으로 경기 운영에 참여합니다.
   - 중원의 압박을 통해 상대의 패스를 차단하고, 빠르게 공격 전환합니다.


MBC 생중계 보러 가기 2024년 6월 11일 오후 8시 중국 대 한국 축구 경기


2. 전술적 접근

A. 포메이션 
   - 4-3-3 또는 4-2-3-1 포메이션을 통해, 중원의 숫자를 확보하고 측면 공격을 강화합니다.
   - 두터운 중원과 적극적인 측면 플레이로 공격과 수비의 균형을 맞춥니다.

B. 플레이메이커 활용 
   - 팀의 플레이메이커를 중심으로 경기를 풀어가며, 상대 수비를 흔드는 패스와 공간 창출을 시도합니다.
   - 정확한 패스와 창의적인 플레이로 상대의 수비 라인을 무너뜨립니다.

C. 빠른 템포의 경기 운영 
   - 경기 내내 빠른 템포를 유지하여 상대방을 지치게 하고, 공격 기회를 자주 만들어냅니다.
   - 빠른 패스 플레이와 선수들 간의 활발한 움직임을 통해 수비를 교란합니다.

D. 역습 대비 
   - 공격 시에도 상대의 역습에 대비하여 수비 라인의 밸런스를 유지합니다.
   - 수비형 미드필더를 중심으로 한 전진 수비와 후방 커버를 동시에 준비합니다.


3. 키 플레이어

A. 공격수 
   - 팀의 주포와 윙어들이 결정적인 역할을 해야 합니다. 빠른 발과 뛰어난 위치 선정으로 득점 기회를 만들어내야 합니다.

B. 미드필더 
   - 중원에서의 경합을 책임질 선수들이 공수 전환에 능숙해야 합니다. 특히, 공수 밸런스를 유지하면서 공격의 시발점 역할을 수행해야 합니다.

C. 수비수 
   - 상대의 공격을 차단하고, 안정적인 수비를 제공할 수비진의 조직력과 커뮤니케이션이 중요합니다. 특히, 상대의 세트피스 상황에서 집중력이 요구됩니다.

이러한 전략 포인트와 전술적 접근을 통해 한국 축구대표팀이 중국과의 경기에서 좋은 성과를 거둘 수 있을 것입니다.
















Today, what is Korea's strategy for the soccer game against China?

In preparation for the June 11, 2024 match between the Korean and Chinese national soccer teams, the Korean team should set up several key strategic points and operation plans. These strategies should be set in a way that takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing team and makes the most of the Korean team's strengths.


Watch MBC Live On June 11, 2024, at 8:00 PM, China vs. Korea Football Match


1. strategic point

A. High pressure forward compression
- From the Chinese team's defense line, they apply strong pressure, blocking the opponent's build-up and causing mistakes. This can create many opportunities for attack.
- It uses fast wingers and strikers to dig into the space of the opponent's defense and induce mistakes.

B. Strengthening side attacks
- China's defense tends to be centralized, so it creates scoring opportunities through quick breakthroughs and crosses on the side.
- Increase overlap and cross attempts by actively utilizing aggressive pullbacks.

C. Utilize set pieces
- They use the tall players of the Korean team to aim for a score in corner kicks and free kicks.
- Prepare various tactics through set-piece training and target loopholes in opponent's defense.

D. Maintain organizational strength during defense transitions
- When switching from attack to defense, it blocks counterattacks from opponents by maintaining quick positioning and organizing power.
- Build a stable defensive line centered on defensive midfielders.

E. Domination of central midfield
- Midfielders who increase their possession in the midfield and serve as the starting point of the attack actively participate in the operation of the game.
- Blocks the opponent's pass through the pressure of the midfield and quickly converts the attack.

Watch MBC Live On June 11, 2024, at 8:00 PM, China vs. Korea Football Match

2. a tactical approach

A. Formation
- Through 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 formation, secure the number of midfield and strengthen the side attack.
- Balance offense and defense with thick midfield and active side play.

B. Utilize the Playmaker
- It tries to create a pass and space that shakes the opponent's defense by unraveling the game around the team's playmaker.
- Break down your opponent's defensive line with accurate passes and creative play.

C. a fast-paced run of games
- It keeps a fast tempo throughout the game, exhausting the opponent, and often creating chances to attack.
- Disrupt defense through fast pass play and active movement between players.

D. Against counterattack
- Even in the event of an attack, it maintains the balance of the defensive line in preparation for the counterattack of the opponent.
- Prepare forward defense and rear cover at the same time centered on defensive midfielders.

3. Key Player

A. Striker
- The team's main guns and wingers should play a decisive role. They need to create scoring opportunities with their fast feet and excellent positioning.

B. Midfielder
- The players who will be responsible for the competition in the midfield should be good at converting offense and defense. In particular, they should play the role of starting point for offense while maintaining balance between offense and defense.

C. A defender
- Organizational power and communication of the defense that will block the opponent's attack and provide stable defense are important. In particular, concentration is required in the opponent's set piece situation.

These strategic points and tactical approaches will enable the Korean national soccer team to perform well against China.

Watch MBC Live On June 11, 2024, at 8:00 PM, China vs. Korea Football Match


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